Authorship - was the source written by one or more of the same authors as the Hindawi submission? If so, the concern might be with copyright or redundant publication rather than plagiarism. Citation - was the source of the text overlap cited and discussed? Data duplication – this is almost never acceptable without appropriate citation Where the overlap occurs – duplication of background ideas in the introduction or common methods may be considered less significant than duplication of the discussion or conclusions
Ithenticate Acceptable Similarity Index Software Have Miscalculated
By including large chunks of text that are properly contained within quotation marks or by flagging similarities in the references?If you feel the level of similarity requires attention, you can request that the authors rewrite sections of their manuscript and cite any missing references prior to peer review. Could the software have miscalculated the similarity, e.g. With the authors’ own preprint or thesis, if those sources are mentioned.